Only Lads Speaks to David Barron!

Banker by day, writer by night, meet the man behind the articles.

Only Lads


Full-time banker and part-time writer. David has lived in Edinburgh for 8 years, moving there to study at Edinburgh University, and is now working in finance. David is a fan of media featuring independent women kicking men in the face, and is currently writing articles on dating and popular culture for different online publications.

What attracted you to writing for the Only Lads blog?

I have always wanted to write articles on different subjects, and I had never written about dating culture. I felt Only Lads represented a great opportunity for me to dip my toes into a new field of writing.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

When I was at school we used to write weekly short fiction stories and I enjoyed letting my imagination run wild creating these colourful, far-fetched tales. I bet proclaiming “winner of seven Star Writer awards” on my first novel’s book jacket will help shift some copies! You would be forgiven for thinking I still use my creative writing skills in my monthly advice pieces, but some of my dating stories are too weird to be made up!

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Not to worry about finding inspiration, as it often comes with life experience. After all, life bestows you with the best stories to write.

What inspires your creative juices and gets you writing:

Sometimes going for a walk or a change of scenery like a local café can provide a big boost of inspiration. Also, watching film or TV, or even just listening to different genres of music can give me a buzz to want to start writing down my thoughts.

Do you write alone or in public? Tell us what does your typical day look like as a writer:

It depends on my mood and schedule really. I work a 9-to-5, Monday-to-Friday job so I often fit my writing around it. I sometimes find writing in a public place great for inspiring creativity — people-watching can give you some novel article ideas. One thing I am not is a morning person! I find it hard to write early, I feel I am much more of a night owl. Some of my best work is written deep into the wee hours.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

I often write my first drafts on paper. I find I cannot get my creative juices flowing as easily when I am staring at a laptop screen; I tend to just delete the first sentence repeatedly so it slows down the writing process!

If you could have been the author of any book ever written, which book would you choose and why?

Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace. It would have been a great boost to my ego being the talk of the literati for years. Plus I could comfortably live off the royalties!

What current projects are you working on and what is in the pipeline for 2018?

For now I want to continue offering my quirky perspective on dating through articles on Only Lads. I also want to branch out into writing on popular culture, which I have started doing on my page with Cultured Vultures.

Ideally I would like to write a book — I have one random concept I am hoping I can stretch out to 300-odd pages — but I haven’t the foggiest about publishing or even what size of font to use! I do know a good binder from when I wrote my university dissertation. Maybe I will give them a call…

What gives you inspiration for your articles?

For my Only Lads articles I often draw upon my own dating experiences to get my creative juices flowing. While I primarily aim to make people chortle at my dating disasters, I also hope to impart wisdom on life and its foibles. I also find myself sometimes yearning to share my thoughts and opinions on various topics, as I think it is one of the best ways for people to connect.

Where can we find out about more from you?

Well I don’t seem to have as much of a digital footprint these days, what with Zuckerberg tapping my phone. My Facebook is my main foray into social media. I have recently started writing for the popular culture savant site Cultured Vultures, so please feel free to check out my work with them at

Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans on the Only Lads blog?

Firstly, thank you to everyone who takes valuable time out of their busy days to read my inane ranting; you are my fans, you are the reason I have got this far!

Secondly, I hope there are some lessons people can take away from my musings, and maybe feel a little less lonely or more connected with others.

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