Only Lads Speaks to Adam Martinez!

Who is behind the DL Diaries?

Only Lads


Originally from Oregon love in Portland before moving to New York. Adam has lived in New York for 10 years. He’s written two books that are available on Kindle and amazon plus a script which is drama/Si-fi/fantasy. Adam is currently working on completing a third book by mid 2019.

Adam Martinez

What attracted you to writing for the Only Lads blog?

It seemed interesting writing a blog while being able to share my life experiences. Then after seeing the topics of the blogs you were looking for really struck up my interest. I was able to write about stuff I had already experienced while giving much needed inspiration for the current books I am writing.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

As a child I was always writing a short story or trying to create a new series that I may one day publish. In fact i wrote a TV script, actually an entire season, and the characters for that show I created when I was young and as I grew up they grew with me. So in all honesty I have always wanted to write.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Just keep writing and don’t waste as much time as I did, not saying I regret that. That time gave me more life experiences I was able to use as inspiration for my the books I have written.

I would also say ignore everyone and what they may say about your dream because it will come true.

What inspires your creative juices and gets you writing:

Life and sometimes just listening to music helps get everything flowing. At other times it’s nice to just sit back have a glass of wine, or beer, and get lost in my thoughts then before you know it creativity starts coming.

Do you write alone or in public? Tell us what does your typical day look like as a writer:

Sometimes I write at home while playing some music in the background. Other times I’ll go to either a coffee shop or restaurant that close to my apartment to write. Some days I’ll just awake up drink some coffee and lay in bed typing for hours sometimes it helps to be outside surrounded by the world and its daily routine. In all honesty it really depends on the day and how I am feeling.

Since I have to take public transportation everywhere I also write then as well. I try to sneak in writing in any chance I get.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

Honestly that I write any and everywhere and use my phone for this as well. I can be on the subway and will edit an entire chapter on my way to work.

If you could have been the author of any book ever written, which book would you choose and why?

The Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, well the entire series. Its one of my favorite books to read because not only does she pull you into a world of fantasy she includes real life events and true history. If I had written this I felt it would have helped the inspiration to flow and allow me to push myself more on my script. Since they both fall under the same genre of magic and reality.

What current projects are you working on and what is in the pipeline for 2018?

Currently I am working on releasing my second book within the month. It is a continuations of my first book The DL Diaries, it is titled DL in the City and I will be starting to write the third book this years as well.

My main focus for this year will be finishing my script pitch and the final drafts of the episodes I have written. So far I have completed an entire season and have a full outline for the next few season. It’s a completely different genre than what I currently write in, its fantasy/drama/Sci-fi. This is the project I hope to put into the works this year and work with pitching to some agents or even directly to the TV scouts myself.

What gives you inspiration for your books?

Life, memories, friends, and music, its hard to say, but even people watching can help create something. With my current books they was loosely based off people and events from my life. While with my script that allows me to travel off to a fantasy world I have create in my mind. Like I said earlier with the show I had come up with those characters when I was a child so life events and everything around me helps to create that inspiration to write it.

Could you tell us a bit about your most recent book and why it is a must-read?

My recent book called DL in the City it’s the second volume from my series entitled The DL Diaries. This story is different than most books due to the fact it’s actually written as a journal, or diary, meaning it’s all in the point of view of the main character Cole. I wrote the book as if you really were reading someone’s diary or out having a conversation with a good friend. I wanted to capture this differently than what we are used to reading, plus I feel it’s more relatable for us. While reading these books you get a feel that you are there or one of Cole’s friends.

It’s a must read because Cole tells a story that some are afraid to tell. Yes it’s erotica, but there’s a real story behind all the sex. It’s a story of finding yourself, one about true friendships, and of course love. DL in the City and The DL Diaries will open your eyes to the men that choose to live on the down low, it’s shows you it can honestly be anyone, from your friends to and random man you come across. It’s a life we have heard about and of course seen many different stories about, only my books portray it the way it really is.

Where can we find out about more from you?

I have a website which is That site is mostly about my books but you can also see some of my other writing there as well.

Also on Facebook I have an author page (Adam Martinez) and a group page (The DL Diaries)

You can also find my on Twitter (@The_DL_Diaries) and Instagram (the_dl_diaries).

Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans on the Only Lads blog?

Thank you for checking out my blog and I hope you enjoy it. I also want you to see it as words of advice, these stories are loosely based off of real situations. I know it’s not an advice column, but we learn from others and grow from what we see. Always look for something real and keep fighting for what you believe in. You only get only life so make sure you live it to the fullest.

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